Many of you might have seen this but a friend sent it to me this morning and I thought it was the most adorable song ever! Sweet Zoei Isabelle Toh has quite the up and coming voice for a two and a half year old. This brought a smile to my day and I hope it brings one to yours too! Be sure to pause the music on my blog on the right sidebar where you find "Playlist"....she deserves your full attention (smile)!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tapestry in Motion...

I have always been moved and fascinated by the imagery of the tapestry.....threads being woven together to create something uniquely beautiful. When I step back and take in brief moments where I can see the bigger picture, I am in awe of how God has woven the threads of my own life. Often all I can see at the the the back side of the tapestry...a jumble of threads that can't possibly reveal anything recognizable...much less beautiful. But these threads...heartbreaking experiences, pain and loss, lessons learned, divine appointments, mentors and friends, risks taken...are being quietly linked together to reveal our story and the unique roles we are to play in the larger story of the lives and hearts of those around us.
I had the honor of attending two events this week whose causes I feel passionate about. The threads that have woven my life to intersect over the years with these groups are long and of many colors. I wanted to share more about their causes and encourage looking into your own communities for ways to support and help those who offer hope and healing to souls who are hurting. Agencies such as these need our help and support to continue to reach out to families, women and children in crisis.
You can silence the music playing on my blog before watching this music video on the right lower side where you see Music Playlist.
I am blessed to be a part of a group of incredibly amazing and passionate women called "Tapestry in Motion". We meet monthly with a shared vision to develop creative ways to share the message of hope to those on the journey of healing from life's hurts. Some of us were able to attend a beautiful luncheon in support of the Childrens Center of Clackamas County. My dear friend Cristi Dillon was the guest speaker and shared her story of recovery from childhood emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The statistics on child abuse are staggering. We were moved to tears as Tracy Barry, a local news reporter and the Mistress of Ceremonies, told the story of her friend driving down the highway recently and seeing two tiny figures walking alongside the road. She pulled over immediately concerned for their safety. They were two little girls, ages seven and five. All they had with them were their blankets. When asked where they were going the oldest replied, "We just can't take it anymore and we had to leave". These two precious children were experiencing such pain in their own home that they felt the only option was to take their blankets and walk out into the world alone. After this heartbreaking story it was a beautiful moment when one of the ladies from a women's quilting circle presented 25 stunning handmade quilts. The center gives one to each of the children who come through their doors. The Children's Center provides incredibly compassionate and sensitive services to abused children to begin the process of healing. Their website also offers resources and information if you suspect the abuse of a child. They need our voices to break the silence and speak out the truth...they need our hearts and hands to reach out and do whatever we can to bring healing!
Last night I was priviledged to be asked to sing again for the benefit dinner for ARMS (Abuse Recovery Ministry and Services). Stacey Womack, ARMS founder is an inspiration who ten years ago, as a stay-at-home-Mom, felt God's leading to begin to develop a program that would help women reclaim their lives from the devastation of domestic violence. One in four women experience emotional, psychological, sexual or physical abuse on a daily basis. The agency now offers hope, resources, programs, education and support to women, men and youth in five states. I encourage you to look through the ARMS website which offers insight into the issues of domestic violence, lists of what is abusive behavior and a way out of the soul damage. It could be your friend, a sister, a could be you. As with the issue of child abuse, it is the silence and secrecy that lets these tragedies unfold day in and day out. My hope would be this post might inspire each of us to find a place to support, to give of our resources, gifts and let your thread be woven into the larger be a part of making something beautiful.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Rainy day creating.......

We are having the most bizarre spring weather lately. Its been so cold, rainy, grey and with even some snow flurries here and there. Thats what I love about losing myself in the studio...turn on some great music, turn up the heat in the house and once I start creating I forget its fairly miserable outside! Works every time! These new works can be found here on ebay. I am also having a sale on all my greeting card sets and framed art in my ebay store if you'd like to stop by! Have a blessed day!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Room to Breathe.....
"Dance like no one is watching you
Sing like no one can hear you
Love like you've never been hurt before
Live like its heaven here on earth"

"I am waiting patiently God, Will help come soon?"

Altered tin filled with ten pre-backed art cards!

"One must be willing to open the door beyond fear
To receive the hope of a destiny that lies ahead"
New Altered Tag Book Ensemble lot!
Got in a little creative groove the past few days and have several new pieces to share with you! If you'd like to see all the treasures that fill the chest with the Tag Book Ensemble Lot you can find those and more pictures of the other pieces newly listed on Ebay!
It always helps when I finally clean and reorganize my studio a bit. Seems the room gives space to creatively breathe again and new thoughts and reflections can find their way through. This always seems to be true of daily life too. When the schedule gets too choatic, a relationship too unhealthy or my surroundings are just a plain mess, the peace that comes from hearing God softly speaking to my soul eludes me. But if I reorganize...clear out what isn't nurturing my heart...slow down and get things into perspective...make room to breathe again...God's hope and inspiration begins to find a home in my heart...and I can more freely join Him in creating the life He desires for me. Sometimes its so much more comfortable and safe to live in the chaos though isn't it. Reorganizing can involve hard choices of what needs to go and what needs to stay. It can be really hard releasing things that we no longer need or that have tried to define us...and in the process...confine us. I think it takes courage and faith...and trust. I pray you find one small corner of your life today that you can clean out and have in a state of readiness...for renewed hope and vision! I pray you find the room to breathe....
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sharing my song......
Thought I'd share a fabulous event that is coming this summer to Pleasanton, California on August 22-24. The first ever ZNE ConvenZioNE. ZNE is a world-wide, mixed media art group that is a wonderful place of inspiration, artistic encouragement and where creative kindred spirits play! There is a line-up of incredible workshops to take, a vendor fair, group dinners and events planned and the screening of the amazing documentary "1000 Journals". I am honored to have been asked to sing for the event during the evening of the film screening. I will also be at the vendor fair offering some of my work for sale. I am excited to finally meet in person so many artists and friends that I have come to know the past four years through ZNE! You can find out all the information about the convention at ZNE!

You can stop the music on my blog to view this trailer for the film below on the left of this page where you see "Playlist".
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Dabbled in the studio yesterday and created an art card shrine. I think some of my all time favorite vintage images are from Paper Whimsey! It is the eyes of these vintage children that draw me in. I wonder what their story is...who they were...who they belonged to...what secrets they held. If you have never visited Paper Whimsey, Dale's images have the most beautiful and unique presence that speaks without words. This shrine folds together and is tied with a lovely ribbon. You can find this piece here on Ebay!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Treasures in the mail!

OH what fun! I received some treasures in the mail I thought I would share with you! This piece, "Captured Heart", was designed by 12-year old, up and coming jewelry artist, Cambria who was featured on my friend JoAnna Perotti's blog. I ran over to Cambria's Etsy store and this piece took my breath away. Well when I opened the box today I literally gasped! It is truly even more stunning in person! Take a peek at Cambria's blog and watch her creative star rise! I love when young souls discover their artistic gifts and are blessed with encouragers around them who come along side and help them to flourish and grow!

I was the lucky winner in Debrina of Spark Your Imagination's "Bunny Love" giveaway! Her pieces just fly out the door and this one was so adorable I was thrilled to have won. If you don't know Debrina she has a dear, precious heart and her work is delicious. Check out Debrina's blog , Ebay Auctions and Earth Angels shop too! It has been an honor to watch Debrina's work continue to soar and watch God bless her gifts! Thanks Cambria and Debrina...your treasures have added beauty to my studio!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Altered Book Ensemble Lot on Ebay....

Wanted to share a wonderful group of treasures for the altered artist that I listed on ebay. This altered treasure box is filled with lovely vintage-themed goodies and an original altered book that is waiting for your own unique creative touch to fill its pages. If you'd like to see some other photos of this lot click here! Have a blessed and creative day!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Island Treasures......
Footprints...I have always been moved by the image of them on a beach. The idea of where we have been and where we are going always seems to bring up so many thoughts and feelings inside. These pictures were taken on the last morning of our trip to Maui. I got up really early and went for a stroll in hopes of finding some treasures. Being back in Hawaii brought back many memories of livng there as a child. I had forgotten, amidst how busy life has gotten, how much I use to love to follow the shoreline and wait for each wave to roll in. I remember the childlike anticipation of waiting to see what shells and other beautiful natural gifts from God the ocean might deliver. My youngest son joined me and we collected some wonderful memories. I added them to my special inspirational rocks a dear friend had given me and these treasures now greet me each morning in my art studio!
This find took my breath away when I discovered it admist the sand and rocks. My eyes saw two souls in a protective embrace. And when I turned the rock over I saw the two souls reversed but still holding onto each other. My husband added that he thought there was a small child nestled between them when the piece was turned over. It amazes me that such natural art tumbles to the shore! It reminded me how much God loves to bless his children... we just need to have our eyes and hearts open enough to see them and reach for the blessings!
This was my last meal on the island! Isn't this just the most amazing salad you've ever seen! I literally sat there for several minutes when it arrived and marveled at the decadent artistry! And it was every bit as delicious as it looked!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Back from the Beaches of Maui and Announcing the Art Giveaway Winners!
Breathtaking beauty is the only way to describe Maui! And of course one must have something fruity, fussy and that is adorned with an umbrella and a pineapple ring once you are hanging on the beach!
Fun times with the family at the evening Luau! I think all my boys were a bit distracted with the hula dancers (Daddy being the biggest boy of them all!)
There is nothing more heavenly than the aroma of a fresh lei. My hubby surprised me with it for the evening luau! I lived on the islands as a child and use to make leis and secretly wished to be a hula dancer!
My oldest boys have decided the Hawaiian way of life is made for then! All I hear now is how they can save up enough money and get back over there and "hang out" and work
The most amazing "Rainbow Trees"! These were such a beautiful artistic sight! Talk about God's paintbrush!
The only place on earth I can be sure that everyone will spell and pronouce my name right (haha)! My name in Hawaiian means "Hawaiian Sky"!
So many wonderful images to share of our fabulous trip to Maui for spring break! Thanks for sharing the memories with us! I wanted to announce the winners of the Art Blessing Giveaways I had here on my blog while I was away! Thanks so much for your sweet Comments and inspiring words about my art! Each one of your names went into the drawing and the winners are....
Jacky(the glass collage paperweight)
Piper(the Aspire art card print)
Peggy Meyer Graminski(the Art squared magnet)
Denise( the Art Doll Dangle)!
Check out the inspiring blogs of some the the winners that I could link! So much beauty and original creativity to be seen! Winners be sure to send me your contact info and I will also be notifying each of you! Aloha and Mahalo!
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