Its that time again! I have assembled a sweet fall-themed offering for my art blessing giveaway for the month of October. As the season of Thanksgiving is fast approaching, I was reflecting on how grateful I am for the support and encouragement so many have sent my way and for those I am fortunate to be walking alongside in spreading a message of hope through creative healing. The winner of this giveaway will receive a print of my original collage "Love, Hope, Believe" framed in an 8x8 inch wooden frame and a pumpkin spice candle with decorative ring of leaves and fall colors! If you would like to have your name included in the drawing for this "Art Blessing" just leave your name and email in the comment section. If you would like to share one thing you are thankful for today... please do! Then on Sunday, Nov. 2, I will draw the name of one who I will be happy to bless with this fall ensemble!

I had a such a meaningful time this weekend sharing my artwork at the "Betrayal Redeemed" Conference at Mountain Park Church in Lake Oswego, Oregon. The conference was sponsored by
Dr. Earl and Sandy Wilson of Tuff Stuff Ministries. I was side by side with friends and fellow "soul travelers", Florence McDavid of
Journeys Rest, Meg Wilson author of
"Hope After Betrayal" and Traci Nelson from
"Still Waters". We each shared our hearts for the wounded at vendor tables for about over 100 woman who attended the conference. Although the source of my own woundedness and betrayal was not found in my marriage, I was deeply impacted by the many speakers and counselors who brought hope and resources to encourage and give support for any woman who has been impacted by intimate betrayal at the hands of someone she loved. I was humbled at what God does when you just show up, offer who you are and your own story and then let Him do the rest. When I am tempted to give into insecurity, fear, or feeling inadequate and not equipped to be of any help to those He brings my way.....He will bring an encounter that reminds me I can release my human frailty, take hold of God's hand and not be any more than I truly am in that moment and time in my own journey. It always helps me breathe in more deeply of what He is doing in the hearts of those who are hurting around me...and breathe out more fully and I hope... authentically who I am. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you'll join in the fall giveaway!
I am thankful that my troubled teen son has come back home, and hopeful that we can work on getting his issues taken care of. Thanks for having this giveaway!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I am so thankful that I serve such an awesome God and that He gives me the opportunity each and every day to do what I love! Your art is also such a blessing to so many and I know that God uses you in ways that YOU can never imagine! I purchased one of your OOAK ATC's from your E-bay auctions and it inspires me often in my work! Thank you! And thank you for this Giveaway!!!
I am thankful for you (no, I'm not trying to butter you up so I'll win - lol). I attended Healing Hearts this year and you came to speak. Through collage, you gave me a way to get some awful feelings out. I even came home and made a couple more on my own :-) I was at the conference this weekend, too.
mykidsmom26 at comcast dot net
I am thankful I have all of my family at home and we are safe, happy and healthy.
Well, my "what I'm thankful for" is ot nearly as serious as the others. I am soooo thankful for my new kitty, Bella, who I just picked up today. I have been kitty-less for over 25 years and I now have my own again to love and care for. :)
~Lisa G.
I am thankful for my grandchild who loves me and runs into my arms when he sees me. What joy!
PS I'm thankful for you too Lani, you are a blessing in my life :)
Wow!!! This is so beautiful!!! I love the fall colors!
I'am thankful that i have a sweet hubby and a lovely cat. I 'am thankful for my great hobby: stamping and mixed media! And i'am thankful for the beautiful nature, with i love!!!!
Nans xoxo
I'm thankful that my family is healthy and happy!
Blessings to you!
Gaby xo
Thank you for putting on a forum where I can say THANK YOU GOD for the power of prayer.
Two years ago my cousin Michael C had stage for brain cancer. We all prayed, had our churches, 12 step groups, family groups, all pray. Today Michael is strong and healthy.
Three weeks ago another cousin Michael S, developed a leak in in spinal fluid, has had three brain surgeries, has been in a coma for most of that time, but with the PRAYERS of these same people, he woke up, spoke!!, and seems to have no brain damage.
I am just so thankful for God's Miracles!
I am thankful for each & every day that I get to enjoy the beauty around me and my happy home with hubby & doggies. I'm also tahnkful that I have a chance to win your great give-away! :o) Sue
P.S. Visit me some time.
You are one of the most beautiful people I have the privilege of knowing.
I'm thankful that in spite of the fact I've been out of work for almost 3 months, I have my integrity, which can't be taken from me.
Dear Lani ~ To have loved ones to love, and who lovingly show me I am loved - I am thanks-filled. And, there is a special thankful spot in my heart for you, sweet spirit, who was the first one to greet me when I opened the door with the sign that said,"Re-discovering One's Own Creativity and Artistic Voice". How wonderful that you are having this Giveway, which has turned out to be our opportunity to share with one another moments of thankfulness. You are a blessing. ~~ Love, Laurie
Lani this is beautiful and so sweet of you to do. I love this piece. SueAnn Lommler slommler@gmail.com
PS I am thankful for so many things in my life. I am so blessed. Wonderful husband...delightful grandchildren...awesome artist friends who encourage me and bless me so. Blue skies and just that little nip in the air!! Thank you Lord for all your blessings!
Give us thankful hearts ... in this season of Thy Thanksgiving. May we be thankful for health and strength, for sun and rain and peace. Let us seize the day and the opportunity and strive for that greatness of spirit that measures life not by its disappointments but by its possibilities, and let us ever remember that true gratitude and appreciation shows itself neither in independence nor satisfaction but passes the gift joyfully on in larger and better form.
W.E.B. Du Bois
Wonderful sweet Lani, I'm grateful for all my friends here on the internet. I'm grateful that I'm not bitter or angry that I've lost my husband and only child and brother just this year.I'm grateful instead that I'm able to reach out to others, to have compassion for the entire world we live in. I'm grateful that I can do something to help someone else. That I have the strength to go on alone, yet never lonely.
it's like floating on a cloud, when I come to visit your site ;)
love the photo of you~
xo!! ~Bella
I am so thankful to have found this site among so many others which have nourished my ever growing, ever changing spirit and mind.
Just to be able to leave my comment on the site of one who has helped is to already be a winner.
I am thankful for my Family!! Because in the end thats what its all about. I really am inspired by your work. And thank you for this chance to win your wonderful art work.
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