The last week has truly felt like a pivotal point in my own journey. Have you ever felt the sense of your every step being guided by an unseen hand...toward sweet souls you had never met before, through doorways that are slightly ajar, into situations you couldn't have orchestrated if you tried...down paths that you feel your spirit being drawn like a magnet? Its as if your body has suddenly been dislodged from the earth and lifted in rising waters which now carry you downstream. Although there are too many winding turns ahead to be sure of the destination...there is a sense you will be safe.
It has taken many years of attending to the layers of pain in my own past to open my ears and even trust these whispers...to risk allowing my soul to enter these unknown waters. But mercifully...there are seasons where in the midst of our fears and struggles...our inadequacies...our feeling unprepared and not ready...that the invitation is just too enticing and the waters envelop us. I can almost hear God saying..."My child...I know you are afraid...but I am here...you can trust me...you can trust you...we are going somewhere together...I have plans for you that I have waited to unveil". My human nature wants the plan layed out ahead of time so I can make sure I won't get hurt, look foolish if I follow or worse yet...drown in the trying. God gives me tiny glimpses instead. Little miraculous vignettes I find myself in that enlarge my vision and make me thirst for more of where these waters might take me. Its seems my hands have let go of the shore and I am more willing than ever to risk the river...and go where it may take me.
There were so many divine apppointments and experiences this past week that I need to take time to just sit with it all...let it sink in...listen to what I need to learn and take from each one. Many of these will be private conversations that will wash over the pages of my journals and then hopefully seep into my artwork and into the words I share with you here. I also had a wonderful time at Art and Soul the last few days and look forward to sharing a few photos with you all soon!
what a beautiful post
Lovely Lani! You write beautifully!
God Bless You and Yours
and Your Creative Life!!!
oh dear Lani..I have been feeling the exact same way as you mention in your post and with God...I finally believe and feel with all my art that I will never again be alone and I do trust everything in His time.
Thank you for sharing your heart with me!
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