Thursday, July 31, 2008

Congrats Giveaway Winners!

Blessings to Marilyn Butler and Viola!!!! Each of you are my art blessing giveaway winners! Please take a moment to stop by each of their lovely blogs. Viola makes her home in Germany and her blog is a splash of gorgeous color and creativity! Marilyn's inspiring blog is delightful to stroll through! Thank you so much to each of you who participated and left such encouraging words! Be sure to check back as I love to have an "Art Blessing" at least once a month!


Marilyn said...

Thank you, Lani! I am so thrilled to win some of your stunning work--you are such an inspiration!

Viola said...

Thank you so much again, Lani!! :o)

Jann said...

Loved both of these blogs! Thanks for encouraging your visitors to go and see them!