Friday, February 29, 2008

A little creative experimenting.......


I felt like a little girl playing in a coloring book today as I experimented with my very humble paint shop program. It was just fun to play in this digital medium and watch what unfolded. I must admit I missed the hands on of glue and paper and getting messy but this was creative in a way that felt quite exciting know the kind of excitement that bubbles up deep in your creative core and whispers..."Now this has some cool possibilities!" I dared myself to put them on the blog or even sell them though they feel a bit elementary. But isn't that what living is about....just lay it bare, humble yourself to be a beginner, throw yourself into the wind and risk something you've never tried before! These prints are available on Ebay!


Mel♥ said...

Lani I love these.. the little girl on top is just beautiful!! I love my photoshop but your right I do miss the paper and glue..

Gillian said...

Beautiful Pieces Lani!
I love the little one at the top too, the way you've done her hair is Wonderful!

Deb Neerman said...

Hey, looks like someone else is experimenting with digital! Fun, isn't it?!?

Love these little offerings, Lani!

Hope all is well with you ... we'll talk soon!

~Hugs, Deb