Its beautiful isn't it? We have been off and on with our NW version of an "artic blast" this whole week (I know...those of you in the East must think it a bit comical that we about shut our city down at the first sign of an inch of snow lol). Just before the school buses were scheduled to arrive this morning...it began again...the magical, gentle, whispering, silent fall of snow. My son squealed. I remember that pure joy as a child. It reminded me once again how easy it is for our adult worries, responsiblitlies, and general weight of the world to cloud our ability to fully receive the magic of a snowfall. Children get it...and they take it in fully...right in that present moment. They run out of the house with no concern for warm clothing so they can look up into the sky, open their arms wide, and feel the soft tickle of snowflakes kissing their faces. I could sense my own longing to recapture that place I know must still be nestled in my heart...beneath some of my own personal concerns. It seems an unmistakable invitation from God to....
get quiet and really listen
to let go like a child for the moment
give what weighs heavy on our minds a rest
take in what is happening right before our eyes
truly and deeply feel
slow everything down, wait and watch
listen to your own heart beat
receive the amazing gift of another breath
let the giggle rise up from that sacred childlike space
open your bare arms wide
and embrace the quiet magic of the snow fall....
Christmas Program at Abundant Life Church:

I am honored to have been asked to perform a special song for the beautiful Christmas program, "Songs of Christmas" being offered to the community at
Abundant Life Church in Portland, Oregon. There will be eight services beginning this Saturday, Dec 20th thru Christmas Eve. If you are looking for a special program to celebrate the gift of Christmas, bring friends and family and share this meaningful time together. You can find all the information regarding
program times here! Years ago, when Abundant Life was a small church meeting in an elementary school, I was blessed to meet Pastor George Powell, his wife Ann and their Creative Arts Director Dennis Quick. I was part of another small church plant at the time and periodically sang special music for their services. So its a sweet experience all these years later, after much growth and blessing has occured at Abundant Life and much healing and change has happened in my own life...to peek back in on them and reconnect!