Sunday, December 16, 2007
To thine own heart be true....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Acts of Kindness........

"She felt the searing heat reach for her
through the door of her past...despite her fear,
she knew the only way was through the fire"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Congratulations Patricia Mosca!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007
Holiday Art Blessing Giveaway!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
In the Christmas mood.....
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Its been awhile since I have played on the small canvas of art cards. I was reminded how much I love this size...these little bursts of creativity where a thought can be explored and brought forth from the inside where it has been the outside in a miniature visual, tactile form. Art cards are like small journal entries for me...a moment in time I can mark and remember...honoring where my heart was traveling and the inspirations and reflections that were stirring. I am so grateful today for the freedom and release that art brings into my life. These cards were listed on ebay this evening!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Altered Journals on Etsy....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Ashes of Pain.....
It takes great courage to allow your heart to sink into the music of grief and appreciate the dissonant chords and difficult harmonies. I believe some of the most deeply beautiful music in this life comes to the heart when it embraces loss and tragedy...even the most painful of our wounds. Although it doesn't have to define us it can bring a richness and depth to our voice that we had previously not known. In these seasons there is a unique opportunity to move with the music of pain and receive its hear our true voice rise from the ashes.
This new work is on Ebay this evening. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Real Me.......
For those whose wings struggle to be free...for those who are dying from be be be seen from behind the veil...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sharing The Art of a Kindred Friend....

I hope you all have a Thanksgiving filled with the warmth of friends and family. I am hosting about 25 family over for the big turkey dinner so it should be festive! I haven't had as much time to create these days but I know my energy is being focused where it needs to be these last weeks...encouraging and being there for family that are going through a difficult season. Life can bring so many changes and challenges. Its been a good time for me to get my own thoughts and priorites in perspective. Thanks for stopping by and God Bless!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Risk Revelation.....

I have been thinking alot this weekend about our unique story. Each of us has one. Each of us has a road that only we have traveled...with wisdom and gifts of insight only we have learned. It is in the vulnerable sharing of our all their struggle, joy and pain...that it seems our hearts can only then be free to love, give and receive all that we were intended to. More importantly we are then free to reach out to others who are coming up the road behind us...reaching back to offer our hand...reaching back to say...keep going...I know its hard but there is hope. So many struggle alone. Each one can reach back to the one coming behind them though. God intended our souls to be embraced and carried in safe relationship. I hope you'll risk revealing your heart... and reach for someone's hand today.
Friday, November 9, 2007
It Takes Courage.....

A work that has been dear to my heart. In honor of all those who brave the journey towards healing the soul wounds of the past.
Monday, November 5, 2007
New Greeting Card Gift Sets.....
Set L-"Reveal Your Passion"
Set I-"Blue Whimsey"
Set H-" Hope Beckons"
Set G-" Remember Your Wings"
Set F- "Faith Blessings"
Set E-"Faith, Hope, Love"
Set D- "Wings of Change"
Set C-" Love One Another"
Set B-" Journey"
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Art Show....
Monday, October 29, 2007
New Unmounted Holiday Stamps.....
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Moment of Silent Prayer.....

My heart is so heavy for all of the families that are experiencing such devastating loss in California. My brother and his family are safe thus far and I am so grateful. I'd invite anyone who stops by today to offer up a prayer for those who are facing this tragedy. God hears are words. God's heart grieves for His children who are hurting. Though we may not understand the why of such loss...His love and mercy are neverending....
Dear God....
Please wrap your arms around those hurting today. Bring them hope and healing and provide for their needs. Help them to see you in the comfort of friends, in the embrace of their children, in the provisions that are offered. Be near as they grieve and the tears fall. May their hand be held by a caring soul as they express the worry, the fear...and the anger. Provide a safe place to rest. Give them strength to handle the days ahead. Protect the tender hearts of the children. And please God....bring any further devastation to an end. Amen.
May our hearts be grateful today for even the tiniest of our blessings!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Congratulations Treva!
I have been busy this week getting ready for a couple upcoming local art and craft shows I will be participating in. This will a first for me so I am excited to see how it all feels and a chance to share my work in person. Today its time to clean out the studio! I find I work and fuss and slowly build up a good dose of creative chaos around me. But inevitably I reach a point where I sit down with only a tiny patch of work space left visible and I can't think! So hopefully by tomorrow my Muse will return and have room to sit next to me!
The artwork is a wonderful piece by Digital Artist and Jazz Vocalist Solitaire Miles and you can check out a fabulous collection of her work at flickr!