I have been thinking alot this weekend about our unique story. Each of us has one. Each of us has a road that only we have traveled...with wisdom and gifts of insight only we have learned. It is in the vulnerable sharing of our stories...in all their struggle, joy and pain...that it seems our hearts can only then be free to love, give and receive all that we were intended to. More importantly we are then free to reach out to others who are coming up the road behind us...reaching back to offer our hand...reaching back to say...keep going...I know its hard but there is hope. So many struggle alone. Each one can reach back to the one coming behind them though. God intended our souls to be embraced and carried in safe relationship. I hope you'll risk revealing your heart... and reach for someone's hand today.
I love your handwriting! I needed those words earlier today... I wrote an email with similar content, but not put so well. Beautiful!
Very wise words indeed, bright blessings to you
Wonderful work!
I was checking out your Beth Moore link on "words of faith". Is this her actual blog?I love her. thanks Lisa
I love this post.
I was looking at your
list and seen Living Hope.
Today is the first day I
saw that church on TBN.
I really loved listening
to the service.
May Your Month Be Full
of Blessing's, from the
Lord, Lani!!!
oh my!! such beautiful new creations!! today I was nominated for the roar award....how in the world could I have not included you!? I am beside myself these dayz deleriously tired! I need to go add your name to that post~
hope life is beautiful in your your world~
xo !! ~Bella
oops wrong link to my blog ;)
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