Thursday, September 27, 2007
Art-e-zine and Art Blocks....
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sweet Child of Promise......

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Honoring the Sacred.....

There is a wonderful movement found here where sweet souls are taking the time to nurture the sacred in their lives. And oh there is much to be found sacred! I was reminded today the great need our spirits have for communion with God. To just take some time to let the quiet envelope our hearts and breathe slowly and deeply. To hear the soft whisper of the Creator. To pray, to ask searching questions and listen for the answers. We search in so many places for what can be found in the quietness of vulnerable and honest reflection. I spent too much time thinking it was to be found on-line today in all the places that beckon to the artist!. God gently asked me to shut off the computer, make a cup of tea and share some sacred moments.
Its easy to fill every waking moment with the searching. Although the internet can be a wonderful tool and way to reach out into the world it can also take you in as it's prisoner. As an artist whose work is sold mainly online its so tempting to feel the pressure and pull to be everywhere on-line. There are so many groups, communities, blogging and networking sites etc that one can be a part of. It can be really overwhelming. Its not surprising really... ours souls were designed with a deep longing for be be found. There are some wonderful people and places to be found. But the more time I spend time facing a computer screen, I am finding the less I feel the fresh air on my face. Maybe its just me... but it can be so time consuming. And I it feeding our souls with what can truly nourish us? Are we finding what we are searching for? Are we avoiding anything that needs our attention more? Is it taking more than it is giving? I suppose it all comes back to does most things in this life. Moderation can bring great benefit. But maybe...once in is good to step away from this other world in a box and walk out our front doors to see the sunshine and take in the expanse of our real take a walk with the Creator and nurture the sacred. What will we hear? What will we see? What might we discover if we are willing to listen?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Princess Dreams......

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Rainy Day Treasures....

Feel like I am finding my artistic "mojo" again. I had a friend ask me recently what kind of art I do. That always feels like a bit of an intimidating question. Like you are just waiting for the art police to jump out and arrest you for falsely impersonating a real artist! I sometimes envy artists who have a real recognizable style. One glance and you would know their work anywhere. I seem to wander and stroll down any number of creative paths, artistic moods and palettes...a little of this...a little of that! I couldn't really narrow down an answer for my friend. But what I did say felt true for me..." I just fuss and play with whatever inspires me in the moment !". I guess it was a legal answer...the art police never did come after me!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Art Dangle Prism Ornaments......

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Creative Fun with Art Blocks

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
"Emerge Sweet Soul Into The Light"

Monday, September 10, 2007
A little art each day.....

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Name Game....
Well I am a bit shy about my middle name so I'll offer some little tidbits for my first name! So here goes:
L....Laugh Attacks. Some things get me going and I get laughing so hard I can't stop!
A....Anniversary. Just celebrated my 22nd with my high school sweetheart!
N....Never Never Land. I love the whimsey of fairy tales of flight!
I....Ice Cream. I am known to have deep cravings for Coffee Hagendaz!
And I tag...Izabella, JoAnna, Susan and Ruth Rae!