I wanted to share an art blessing giveaway as we move into the new season and fall is around the corner. I have put together a collection which includes a 5x7 Print ("The truth shall set you free"), Greeting Card ("Listen, Nurture this season of dwelling in the deep sacred spaces"), Healing Art Block ("She moved on the quiet path of her inner peace and strength"), Framed Print ("Healing Season"), and Art card Print "Masquerade" If you would like to have an opportunity to have your name drawn to receive this collection just leave your name and contact info in the comment section and I will draw a name on Sunday, Sept. 20! If you would like to share this giveaway post on your blog with a link just let me know and I'll be happy to add your name twice!

Well it truly never ceases to amaze me what a creative artist type can collect!!! I have been sorting through, gutting out and working my way through "stuff" in my studio. The letting go process always seems to expose so much inside. And it was definately true that while I made my way through the "gut out" it got alot worse before it got better...especially on the day an entire shelf of glass jars filled with trinkets and beads came crashing down to the floor! Just reminded me of the tenacity it takes to keep going the directions we are called no matter the obstacles lol! So as I contemplate the new doorways that need to be opened, I have decided to really clear the pathway in my creative world and have put together fifteen wonderful groups of collage, mixed media and altered art items with the artist in mind. All of these are being listed as auctions on Ebay with Buy It Nows for those who just can't wait! You can find all these sale auctions here!
I thought I would share a few pics of my creative space where there is now a little more room for me to breathe (you may click on images to enlarge)....
Finally, as we approach the anniversary of 9/11 this week, I wanted to share a piece of writing I had felt compelled to write back when the tragedy happened. I had sent several copies along with a friend who is a trauma therapist and was going to be heading to New York to work with survivors. It is a reflection on grief and the grieving process from tragedy, loss and life's hurts. It is called an "Invitation to Grieve" and you may read it here on my website.I hope you can carve out a quiet space for yourself this week and breathe deep.
Hi Lani
I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Owning something from your collection is truly a treasure to have. Does this mean you will no longer have this blog? I always come by just to read, even if I already read it before. I get different revelations each time I read your writings. I will also put your giveaway on my blog. I am so blessed to have met you and our sisterness as well as kindred spirits.
Luv Ya Lorie
What a wonderful give-away. I have always been in awe of your beautiful work. Thanks for your inspiration and generosity.
You are a blessing and an inspiration, Lani! I am thrilled to be able to enter your most generous and beautiful giveaway!
Your space looks just beautiful Lani.
I love all of your creative spaces--I never really thought about those spaces in my house as such--but thank you for bringing it to my attention...
Love and Laughter,
Brenda Bliss
Thank you so much for the chance to be the lucky winner of your generous and beautiful giveaway! I feel blessed to come to visit today!
Brightest of Blessings to you and yours!
~*~ Patty
Thank you for the generous giveaway and sharing your art studio. Your work is inspiring and thought provoking. Bless you!
yes. i would like to be in your give-a-way. thanks. and welcome back to blogland. missed you.
Wow! I'm so glad for you...and so very proud of how you have pushed through even when distractions came along to thwart your progess. The studio looks beautiful!
love ya chick!
Hi Lani, I just came across your blog for the first time in a long long while. We have swapped ATC's long ago and your link re-surfaced> I'd love to be entered in your giveaway and invite you to visit my somewhat kinda new blog. Cheers, Mollye
Thanks for blessing us with a great giveaway. Very generous!
Lani, so good to see you continueing the process of simplifying your life. I need to do my own clearing out. Maybe I will follow in your footsteps. Add my name to your give-a-way. I will post about it on my blog too.
Hi Lani, I found my way here by way of Teri Leigh. I'm on my way out the door (yeah, one last check of the blog) :) I would love to be entered in your wonderful giveaway, and I will definitely be back later to explore your beautiful blog!
I would like to add my name to the blessing give-away! I'm just starting to art journal and would love to win this one! I will mention it on my blog too! Please enter me twice!Thanks again! Hope to meet you one day!
You have such beautiful things. It is so lovely of you to want to share your efforts with others. Thank you for letting me look at your blog. I will be back!
Love and Laughter,
Your work is gorgeous, count me in please for this great give-away;o)
This is my first time on your blog, and I LOVE it! Adding it to my favorites!
Thank you so much this opportunity to own and treasure some of your exquisite creations...
A dream come true!
I have my fingers toes and everything else crossed ~ LOL
Brightest Blessings to you,
Raine )O(
Beautiful work and what a fabulous giveawy,i'll link you on my giveaway bar xx
Wow! Wonderful post! You are very right! As an artist, I collect everything as well. My studio is a mess LOLOLOL! I noticed that you wrote about your friend who is giving counseling to the 9-11 victims. I made a painting in 2007 that I wanted to sell and donate to help them. I was wondering if maybe your friend or you could help me in finding the correct place to do that? I've shown it and tried to sell it but it seemed nobody wanted to help me, help others. Was wondering if you would?
Anyway, great post!!!
Please put me in your giveaway.
I will be adding your information in the bar on the right side of my blog:http://theothersideofchar.blogspot.com/
I posted your giveaway with link on my blog. http://romancingtheartistwithin.blogspot.com/
I would love to win. Your blog is so inspiring.
Hi Lani,
You touch so many hearts with your kindness.
I would love to be included in your blog giveaway.
Hugs, Laura.
Have a great day.
OMG, your work is wonderful! What a great talent! I just entered you on my blog:) I am never lucky. I tell that to my hubby and he says the reason I never win the lottery is that I never buy a ticket! lol
I'm going back to catch up more on your blog!
This work is truly amazing! So colorful and whimsical.
What a beautiful giveaway - it would be a joy to bring more of your work into my life. Your work is such an inspiration.
well anything would be cool such wonderful creative juices you have
Wow, what a generous give-away ...
you always have such nice things ... love seeing them ... you are such an inspiration ...
Have a wonderful upcoming week!
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