My Auntie Ria sent this to me today and I just had to share it. I love the power of music to transcend boundaries, distance and time. It has the ability to touch and move places in the heart that are completely unique to each listener. See where it takes you as you listen. Needing someone at one time or another to stand by us is a universal condition! Our souls were created in and designed for relationship! We may already have one who has taken their stand next to us, maybe a new friend has entered into our life unexpectantly and is quietly standing near or maybe we need to be willing to reach out and ask for the support. However the need arises, I believe there are enough of us to take a turn "standing by"!
Be sure to pause the music playing on my blog on the right lower sidebar before viewing!
1 comment:
I always adore your posts so much Lani! And thank you for popping by my blog and for your kind words on my new Shop. Much love Mandy x
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