Had a relaxing time at the "Inspiring the Soul" conference here in Vancouver this weekend. Enjoyed meeting up with old friends and new, connecting over similar passions to share our art to encourage and offer hope to woman.

I am sensing a changing of seasons approaching again when I might need to hold loosely to my plans and be open to changes in focus, if only for a time. I find I keep thinking I need to get "back to" the days when I was pumping out artwork right and left, listing frequently etc. But that is not the door that keeps beckoning. It just seems there are shifts all over in my life that are calling me to slow down, intentionally invest in family and significant relationships, prioritize and consider new opportunities, even those that might be outside of my cherished art world! One aspect of my creativity that has been whispering my name again is in the form of writing. I am quietly moving in that direction although I am not sure where it will take me...but not going no longer feels an option. I am also opening up to the idea of working outside my studio for a couple days a week for someone else. The challenge for me has always been not to completely cease and give up one activity to begin another but to keep a gentle balance of both in my world at the same time. Like the weaving of a tapestry, aspects of my creativity need to be woven in alongside other new threads that might get introduced. It is part of who I am and what helps me breathe. Balance and giving voice to all aspects of who I am is a lifelong endeavor.
So even though I will continue to create and offer work for sale, I am more than ever wanting to create and give. I guess I'd rather see something I have finished be in the hands of someone I know it would encourage then in my inventory. Thats how this all began...through giving away creative hope to those who were struggling. I just want more of that in my life again. There is, however, a constant tension between the reality of needing to earn a living through my creative gifts and the desire to give away and bless with the creative gifts. So I must keep weaving with both threads while leaving room for new ones to be introduced...and release the need to know ahead of time what the final tapestry of my life will look like. Holding too tightly to anything, if it needs to be released and transformed, is not healthy in the long run. I guess that is what trust is for.
So today don't fear if you must make adjustments. They might be temporary. They might even bring you blessings and open doors you hadn't even considered. Trust releasing the plan you might have been clutching too tightly. I encourage you though, amidst the letting go, to keep weaving the threads of your passions and dreams amidst the other threads that may unexpectantly enter your life. Even if their creative colors arn't as domininant for a season, your life's tapestry won't be complete in it's richness and depth without them.

"Set free the soul...Release your inner voice....Surrender to the journey...Embrace your story"
New Altered Art BLock which can be found in my
Etsy store.
Be sure to peek back in late tonight and I will announce the winner of the art blessing giveaway!