I will be spending alot of time with family over the coming days as one so very dear to us is nearing the end of a battle with cancer. It has brought deep reflection into all our lives and truly brought home what is deeply important in our hearts and lives. I encourage you to be present in the moments you are given today. Bring all of who you are and who God made you to be.... fully into whatever experiences and relationships your own journey ushers you into this season.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Giveaway Winners!
I will be spending alot of time with family over the coming days as one so very dear to us is nearing the end of a battle with cancer. It has brought deep reflection into all our lives and truly brought home what is deeply important in our hearts and lives. I encourage you to be present in the moments you are given today. Bring all of who you are and who God made you to be.... fully into whatever experiences and relationships your own journey ushers you into this season.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Giveaway and Virtual Open House!
So in celebration of the event I wanted to have a special Art Blessing Christmas Giveaway for all of you! I will be drawing two names for these two sweet gift sets. The first has a little mini journal and glass inspirational ornament tucked in a red metal mini bucket that says "JOY". The second giveaway is a "Safe Haven" art dangle, handmade vintage angel wings ornament and a small healing stone wrapped in an organza bag! And candy canes and chocolate kisses of course! So leave a comment with your name and contact info to enter the drawing! If you can spread the news on your blog and put a link to this post I'll add your name twice! Later in the evening, on Christmas day, I will draw the names and post this month's Art Blessing winners!
So why don't you come on in, grab a cup of cider and a treat and take a stroll through the memories of this year's open house!

Such a sweet surprise to see my girlfriends from high school (some of us go back to gradeschool!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you'll come again next year!!

From our home to yours (with the addition of a couple girlfriends this year, lol)......May your holiday be meaningful and your days be filled with moments that truly matter to you!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Live Your Dream
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Holiday Open House and Studio Sale!

Saturday, December 12, 2009….10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009……11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009……11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Hope this holiday season finds you sharing your hearts and lives with those you love! I am looking forward to opening my home and studio again this year to share a selection of original inspirational and healing artwork, jewelry, meaningful handcrafted gifts and other unique items to encourage and uplift the soul! If you are in the area I hope you’ll stop by and enjoy some beautiful music, holiday treats, sparkling cider, giveaways and celebrate the creative spirit with me! I am grateful for each and every one of you and thank you for your continued support and encouragement! Please feel free to pass along this invitation and bring a friend or two.
Creative Blessings and I hope to see you there!
Creative Blessings and I hope to see you there!
You may contact me at lanikent@msn.com for address, directions or to answer any questions about the event!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Altered Art Jewelry and Giveaway Winner!
I love the moment when I pick the name of the giveaway winner! Sometimes I get overwhelmed with greatfulness and I feel so blessed to be able to create here in my studio. I feel like I have a little gift shop in here and it truly does bring me joy to send a little treasure on its way to someone just for the fun of it! So congrats to Lynn Stevens as you are the winner of the Art Blessing giveaway this month! Please take a moment to visit Lynn's blog, "Trash to Treasure Art" for some delicious, artsy eye candy and an incredible giveaway from such a sweet spirit! Thank you yet again to each of you for your generous comments that always inspire my heart!
I have been working on several new jewelry pieces this week and a few other goodies. Here is a preview of some of these treasures! I will let you know soon where they will be listed! Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in any of them in the meantime!

I had fun wearing one of these new Inspirational Glass pendants this weekend. It occured to me I often create all kinds of things but rarely choose and keep something meaningful for myself and wear what I have created. I found myself thinking and wondering about the meaning of this as I tenderly touched the piece I chose to wear, "Acceptence Breathes Peace". I wonder if we fully take in and accept our gifts and blessings and what can get in the way of the receiving. What is gently pressing in on you today...to affirm and encourage you...do you embrace or feel a hesitancy to receive it? It is good to take time to explore these kind of deeper and quieter thoughts.
You can find these glass pendants on my website!
I have been working on creating small gifts of hope and encouragement for the holidays and also added these large glass stone magnet sets to my website!
You can find these trio sets here!
Creative Blessings to each of you this week!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
"You Are Enough...Just As You Are" Art Blessing Giveaway!
Life and family have been keeping me busy this fall. With another son now in his senior year and and playing on the starting line-up this football season it seems there is one event after another! We had an incredibly exciting weekend here as his team the "Union Titans" won their league championship in a nail-biting, down-to-the-wire finish and are on their way to the State Championship! So I have been overdue to peek in here on my blog and wanted to share an art blessing giveaway with you all! This altered journal highights a collage print that says "You are enough...Just as you are", bright colored jewels, shimmering butterflies, colorful fibers, and measures 4 x 8 1/2 inches. If you would like to be entered in the drawing for this journal just leave your contact info in the comment section! If you would like to share this giveaway with a link on your blog, let me know and I will add your name twice to the drawing! Check back and on Monday, Nov. 16th I'll post the Art Blessing winner!
NEW TREASURES AVAILABLE ON HEALING EXPRESSIONS WEBSITE: With the holidays approaching, I have been quietly working in my studio and creating encouraging, inspirational gifts for my website (many inspired by beautiful, digital collage images by Batya S.)as well as my upcoming Holiday Open House (details to come soon). I had a meaningful time this past weekend sharing art at a recovery conference called Betrayal Redeemed where several of the new items below were available. I am looking forward to seeing what else is inspired in the studio for the season. I am feeling such calmness, peace, confirmation and anticipation these days for the next steps of my own personal and creative journey. You can click on the link below each item to see more images!
Prayer Cards w/Gift Tin
Inspirational Acrylic Art Cubes

Original Charm Bracelets
Healing Journey Card Sets
5x7 Collage Designs in Acrylic
Healing Words Glass Pendants (over 20 words to choose from) and Inspirational Magnets w/ Gift Tin
Thanks so much for letting me share these pieces. I hope that this day finds you in a good place, breathing in the present moment and willing to reach out to those you love...to risk being cared for...and to offer care to someone who crosses your path. Each of us has much to give and to release of ourselves as the holidays approach and so many will be in need of the simple and often free gifts we possess.
Every fall I think of this song and thought you might be blessed by it too. It always moves me deeply.....
Please pause the music playing on my blog on the lower right sidebar before listening to the video...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Giveaway Winner.....

Thank you to all who entered the Art Blessing Giveaway and for leaving such encouraging comments! It was a busy weekend and I am finally getting the drawing offically done! The name I reached in and drew was Angela! She has a wonderful blog where she interviews dear artists that have inspired her! I am sure she would enjoy if you stopped by! I plan to have Art Blessing Giveaways each month so hope you'll stop by again and join in the fun.
I have been reflecting on this song. Simple yet profoundly beautiful. Thought I would leave it with you all for today. Be sure to pause the music playing on my blog on the lower right hand sidebar before viewing the video!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Art Blessing Giveaway and Studio Clearance!
I wanted to share an art blessing giveaway as we move into the new season and fall is around the corner. I have put together a collection which includes a 5x7 Print ("The truth shall set you free"), Greeting Card ("Listen, Nurture this season of dwelling in the deep sacred spaces"), Healing Art Block ("She moved on the quiet path of her inner peace and strength"), Framed Print ("Healing Season"), and Art card Print "Masquerade" If you would like to have an opportunity to have your name drawn to receive this collection just leave your name and contact info in the comment section and I will draw a name on Sunday, Sept. 20! If you would like to share this giveaway post on your blog with a link just let me know and I'll be happy to add your name twice!

Well it truly never ceases to amaze me what a creative artist type can collect!!! I have been sorting through, gutting out and working my way through "stuff" in my studio. The letting go process always seems to expose so much inside. And it was definately true that while I made my way through the "gut out" it got alot worse before it got better...especially on the day an entire shelf of glass jars filled with trinkets and beads came crashing down to the floor! Just reminded me of the tenacity it takes to keep going the directions we are called no matter the obstacles lol! So as I contemplate the new doorways that need to be opened, I have decided to really clear the pathway in my creative world and have put together fifteen wonderful groups of collage, mixed media and altered art items with the artist in mind. All of these are being listed as auctions on Ebay with Buy It Nows for those who just can't wait! You can find all these sale auctions here!
I thought I would share a few pics of my creative space where there is now a little more room for me to breathe (you may click on images to enlarge)....
Finally, as we approach the anniversary of 9/11 this week, I wanted to share a piece of writing I had felt compelled to write back when the tragedy happened. I had sent several copies along with a friend who is a trauma therapist and was going to be heading to New York to work with survivors. It is a reflection on grief and the grieving process from tragedy, loss and life's hurts. It is called an "Invitation to Grieve" and you may read it here on my website.I hope you can carve out a quiet space for yourself this week and breathe deep.
altered art sale,
blog giveaway,
collage lots,
creative healing,
mixed media,
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