Thursday, April 23, 2009

Healing Kindness......

This original creation arrived at my home yesterday and brought tears to my eyes. My fellow "Art Angel", Nellie Wortman, was led to create this amazingly touching piece for my sister-in-law who is grieving the recent loss of her precious child. I wish I could express what is felt like to see her emotion and hear what the piece meant to her. She had never seen anything so beautiful and just held it to her chest. I love when God nudges hearts towards those we might not even know or have never even meant but their experience touches something deep within our own humanity and propels us to give of who we are. As in the case of Ron and JoAnna Pierotti's situation (post below), it is so inspiring to watch what happens when we move with God's spirit and join into other's circumstances, their pain, their journey....enter into a precious soul's story. No matter how seemingly small we may feel our contribution is...together the impact is moving and powerful.

I also received the most beautiful "Healing Doll" sent to me by Lisa Plummer. I was so touched by her gift and have this unique piece proudly displayed in my studio. Lisa's passion for using art to express our deep layers always moves me. Recently, Lisa posted an incredible link to a wonderful website called "Healing Through Creativity". It is an amazing movement and annual event that brings together creative works, presentations and workshops by and for survivors of trauma and difficult life circumstances. They have an open call for submissions of a variety of creative expressions for this year's event to be held in October! So amidst my own heart struggles these last few weeks... these gifts, events and heartwarming generosities...that I feel fortunate to witness and experience.....bring me deep hope. Who might we reach even the smallest of ways?

This is the touching song that was sung at my neices service. May it bring any who need today....comfort and hope. You may pause the music already playing on my blog on the lower right sidebar before viewing.



Lisa said...

Lani, you are the sweetest. That piece sent to your sister-in-law is stunning. How wonderful that Nellie was moved to make and send it and that it is helping in her healing. That's what it's all about, right? I thought of you when I first went to the HealingThroughCreativity site. The people there are just amazing. Much love to you.

Stephani Gorman said...

How Beautiful Lani, Hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Stephani