Had a chance this 4th of July to get out on the road this weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather here in the NW...a little "Harley Therapy" with my husband! Life has been very full these last couple months, my husband's 50th, attending the beautiful wedding of our dear friend's precious daughter in Atlanta, relaxing time at long time friend's retreat home and farm in Nashville, two weeks with our life long pals in Mexico, lots of memories,good times, rest and reflection!! I came home ready for new pages to be turned, doors opening within and time being invested in life and season changes, family and deep heart healing and growth. I have been embracing a much slower rhythm to my days since returning home from all the wonderful activity...an intentional choice to say "no" more often and keep room wide open for the places where I truly need to invite and say "yes" to. Reserving time to be still, listen and gain strength for the heart work ahead. Its all an ongoing process that just takes time. Each time around I learn something new and get a little better at arranging my days to best fit who I am and who I am becoming. Thanks for checking in on whats new with Healing Expressions. I hope the quiet, behind the scenes work I am doing will flow into new work and fresh insight in the months to come. Just wanted to peek in and say hello and share a few pictures of my journey the last couple months.