I enjoyed a relaxing day in the studio yesterday and finished a new group of "Soul Stones" now listed in my etsy shop. I thought it was time for an Art Blessing Giveaway and would love to offer a little grouping of handpainted stones similar to the style pictured above. If you would like to enter the drawing for a set of three "Soul Stones" leave your name and contact info in the comment section and I will be happy to add your name for the giveaway! If you would like to share about the giveaway on your blog, facebook or twitter, just let me know and I will add your name to the drawing twice! I look forward to sending a little batch of these nuggets to one of you!

I have been so inspired these days to begin to explore my journey through the lens of my camara. I have been reading the beautiful book "Inner Ecavation" by Liz Lamoreux on my recent "artist dates" to one of our beautiful nearby lakes. My soul has been craving the outdoors and what emerges when the pace is slowed down and I really allow myself to "see". The book is a beautiful weaving of story telling through photography, poetry and mixed media collage. As far back as I can remember these three creative expressions have been deeply woven in the language of my own heart. So I am just inviting myself to play with the images I am capturing these days and waiting to see what emerges.