I am working on a new project that I am getting very encouraged and excited to share! Beginning next month I will launch a monthly newsletter that you are cordially invited to be a part of! My hope is to offer creative encouragement through writing, poetry, journaling exercises, reflections on the healing journey and other musings on art, music and life! I will also use this newsletter to have a monthly giveaway and showcase new work for sale, upcoming therapeutic collage and art journaling workshops as well as other special events and happenings on my website! If you would like to receive this newlsetter please sign up on the right sidebar in the aqua-colored box marked
"Healing Expression's Newlsetter". If you would be kind enough to share the news on your blog, let me know and I will add your name twice to the first month's giveaway!

Thank you to everyone for your overwhelming response to the One World One Heart Giveway! Thank you to
Lisa Swifta for organizing another wonderful event! I so enjoyed participating again this year and am happy to announce the winner of my Glass Butterfly Necklace is
"Julia at Vintage With Laces"!
Please stop by and visit Julia's beautiful blog!

I was thrilled to receive my "Decorative Art Girlie" from
Kelly Rae Roberts new collection this week! I adore the spirit behind her work. The words really spoke to me:
Listen to Your Life
unleash your joy
embrace vulnerability
love with abandon
get quiet...just be
Nurture Your Soul
Allow the blessings to sink in and stay awhile
Surround yourself with good people
ART JOURNAL REFLECTION:(Click image to enlarge) What does it mean to risk the leap for you today? What do you need to let go of to take the plunge? What might you be afraid of? Where might it take you if you dared? What is the one, small "next thing" you could do just for today?