I have several new pieces to share with you that have all been listed in my Etsy Store! I have settled back into a rhythm in my studio which feels like where my heart wants to be. Its been a busy month as we continue to make progress on our home remodel (I should finally have a kitchen this weekend!) and returning home from an incredible 5-day trip to Orlando to share my work at the "Healing Together 2012" conference. It was a beautiful open door with many divine appointments that my heart is deeply grateful to have been invited!

New Art Therapy Block Set!

These are a such a long time favorite of mine to create. I spend alot of time on each set arranging the designs to tell a story or express a theme.
You can see more pictures on the Etsy listings to see the multitude of ways these can be arranged and played with!

The second set (pictured below)is an "Art Block Collector's Set with Treasure Box". The blocks are smaller but there are more of them for endless play for the child within!

Art Dangle "Set Free"

"Soul Whispers" Altered Art Pendant

"Memories" Altered Art Vintage Necklace

"Dance with the Butterflies" Collage Framed in Acrylic Box Frame
Thanks for stopping by and seeing what I have been up to! I hope today you find a moment to rest, reflect and remember something you are grateful for...because no matter what we are facing...there is always a kindness, a person, a small blessing, a word of encouragement or even the breath we breathe...to be presently aware of...and have a grateful heart for!