Collage Art Tags newly listed in my "Healing Expressions" Etsy Store!
Since the day after Christmas we began a major remodeling project here at our home. Thankfully, admist utter chaos and floors and rooms being torn up, my studio is one of the few rooms in the house that is still able to be fully inhabited. It is my solace and I am grateful for a place to close the door and gather myself! I have been creating and adding items to both of my Etsy stores.
I've been really enjoying creating items and putting together inspirational collections for creative souls in my second Etsy shop, "Altered Revelations". You can see some of the newest collections pictured below! I hope to continue to expand this shop and add items more frequently for those that love to play with altered art and mixed media scrapbooking and all forms of collage. Take a peek and I hope you enjoy!
January has been a busy month for me at Healing Expressions and I am grateful for the opportunities to share my art, heart and journey. I am preparing for two Therapuetic Collage workshops this coming week some brave and beautiful groups of woman whose hearts are in the healing process and also will be singing for the ARMS (Abuse recovery Ministry and Services)luncheon which will be held this Saturday, January 14 at 12:00 at Gateway Baptist Church in Portland. If you know someone who might be encouraged by attending you may find out more information about the event and special speaker at the ARMS website!
And finally I had just had to introduce the newest member of the family..."Puddles"! My oldest son gifted his brother with an aquatic turtle, large tank and all for his birthday. He really is quite fun and it amazes me the intricate patterns that decorate his body and shell. Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year blessings!