I have a few sweet yet simple journals I added to my store this week. Each of these have been accented with a collage print and pretty ribbons and fibers and make sweet gifts of encouragement. I have been slowly working on new pieces to offer soon through my website. As new doors have opened, I have had to divide my time a little more between walking through them and creating in the studio. I am looking forward to releasing my first newsletter soon and have been enjoying the art of creating with words again as writing was such a haven for me as a young girl. So it seems my visits to my blog are a little further apart but what is being quietly woven behind the scenes has been breathing new hope and vision in my heart.

Lord I break open my heart and invite you to gently explore and expose my innermost being
Help me to truthfully be who I am with these woman who journey to magnify your name
Mercifully reveal and illuminate those hidden places in my heart that need Your health and healing
Let me be receptive to change and to the love, wisdom and discernment of those who care for me
Help me to remove any masks I have worn and let Your light into any darkness they have hidden
Let me move though this journey with a willingness to be real, vulnerable and transparent
Give me the courage to open new doors, risk new beginnings and trust deeper relationships
Show me what it means to create a safe place to carry the burdens of the woman in our community
Help me walk difficult roads with other brave woman and speak the truth of our collective stories
Where there is insecurity and doubts let me reveal and share my weaknesses and fears
Where past experiences have left wounds and scars let me not hide, disguise or deny them
Where there is envy and jealousy let me humble myself and reveal my heart’s struggles
When I feel the need for control help me to slow down, loosen my grip and let you guide my path
Where I need to be confronted help me to release my pride, receive wisdom and take steps of growth
When I have been hurt let me speak honestly and move towards forgiveness and reconciliation
Where there is judgment and condemnation soften my heart and forgive my blindness
In your mercy reveal and expose any hidden agenda or selfish motive in my actions or deeds
Remove any lies that have held my own heart captive and kept me from living in Your freedom
When You speak, help me discern Your voice and embrace instruction without argument, hesitation or delay
Let my words uplift, edify and speak truth, encouragement and blessing to my sisters in Christ
Help me to be an honest and nurturing place that invites the hearts of woman into the arms of Your love
Quietly weave the threads of my own story, unique gifts and passions into the tapestry of Your ministry
Bind and lovingly link me together with the precious woman who desire to serve and know You
Lord magnify my heart from the inside out so that my life may magnify Your glorious name. Amen